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Do you know Microsoft?

There are very few established small to mid-sized software companies that don't already have a significant investment in Microsoft.  If you are a private equity investor with multiple ISV portfolio companies, you might be struggling with some of the following:


  1. How do we maximize Revenue through Microsoft Partnership?

  2. Are we leveraging Microsoft R&D for product development and innovation? 

  3. Are we getting the most out of Microsoft incentives, programs and specific funding mechanisms?

  4. Are we optimizing Microsoft cloud costs while managing governance and compliance?

We 'wrote the books' on partnering with Microsoft.

We have leaders on our team that both know Microsoft intimately, but are also published authors and noted leaders on how to maximize partnering with Microsoft. 

See the selection of titles available on Amazon.



Are you leveraging Microsoft R&D for innovation?

In addition to understanding how to partner with Microsoft, understanding how to leverage their product roadmap and to align with their direction will help you when it comes to co-selling.  You need to have solid answers for questions like:

  1. Do you understand Microsoft’s roadmaps, and how to align your plans to win on their upcoming innovations?

  2. Are you getting (early) access to Microsoft’s R&D developments to stay ahead of competitors?

  3. Are your products optimized on the latest versions of Microsoft platforms (e.g., Azure, Dynamics 365)?

  4. Are you integrated with Microsoft’s industry-specific cloud offerings?

  5. Do you have a deliberate plan on where to take dependencies on Microsoft’s offerings?

  6. Do you have a plan if Microsoft changes its technology strategy or product offerings?

Are you getting the most from your Microsoft ISV Programs?

At Wingspan we can help you with some of the things you might be struggling with.  Including selecting which programs and incentives to choose that are specific to ISV's like:

  1. Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub

  2. ISV Success program

  3. Microsoft SaaS academy

  4. Microsoft ISV Hub

Is Microsoft Part of Your Sales Strategy?

If Microsoft is your chosen cloud provider, you will also want to get co-sell eligible and then engage with the Microsoft field. To effectivity engage with the Microsoft field, it is not enough to be co-sell eligible, you need to deeply understand how the Microsoft field works at a country level and area level. Your engagement model is very different depending on if your end customers are enterprise accounts, corporate segment or a small enterprise.  Also, as a software firm, understanding and leveraging the Microsoft ecosystem should be part of your over-all sales strategy.

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